About us

The fact that hearing aid prices are subject to expensive and complex procedures causes many people to give up or delay buying hearing aids.
Or it directs individuals with hearing problems to simple technologies or OTC devices. OTC devices can never provide quality and comfortable hearing as well as personalized devices .

That's why we set out to make this job easier.

We have been working in the field of hearing aids since 2005 . We made applications of all brands and models of devices. Hearing devices have a technology that is developing technologically every day. We follow them for you, we only try to present the best ones to you transparently.

Allhearingaid delivers your hearing aids directly to your home! Here, they can be conveniently fitted remotely by our trained hearing care professionals at any time - whether you‘re on vacation, at a restaurant, or at home with your family.

Today Allhearingaid is one of the fastest growing hearing care professionals. Thanks to optimized processes, we save high costs. These savings we pass directly to you, the customer, because we are convinced that good hearing should not be a luxury.

We work every day to create a world in which good hearing is possible for everyone, everywhere. With transparent offers, honest communication and high technological know-how.

We have already been able to satisfy 1.000+ Customers into a new world of hearing and increased their quality of life. Our experts are always there for you.